首頁>案例研究> 穿孔金屬板應用



穿孔金屬片的應用通過不同的孔形狀和排列可以創造各種視覺效果和藝術感。 在建築領域,穿孔金屬板可用於外牆、屋頂、天花板、樓梯、欄桿、門、窗戶等,使建築看起來更現代、更有藝術性。 在室內領域,穿孔金屬片可用於隔板、天花板、牆面裝飾、家具等,創造不同的空間和光影效果,使室內空間更具藝術性和時尚性。 在景觀領域,穿孔金屬片可用於公園、廣場、商業街等場所的景觀設計,創造出各種不同的景觀效果和藝術感,使景觀更具現代感和創造性。


穿孔金屬片可以統一建築立面,並將空間分開,同時達到半隱私效果和安全性。 空間仍然保持舒適的透氣性和形成奇妙的光影效果,並配合金屬等材料的結合,可以形成不同的真實感和質感,使建築立面獲得豐富的藝術變化。

  • 北京市大興區星社
    A man is walking towards the main entrance of Xingshe.
    2 people is walking in front of the main entrance of the Xingshe.
  • Lolly-Laputan兒童餐廳
    Exterior of the children restaurant building is decorated with white perforated metal sheets.
    Architectural effect of children restaurant is realized by combining perforated metal sheet with lighting.
  • 馬爾默藝術博物館-瑞典
    Presentation of the architectural facade of the Malmö Art Museum
    Interior of the Malmö Art Museum is decorated with red perforated metal sheets.
  • 坦帕藝術博物館-佛羅里達
    Tampa museum of art – Floridian building topped with perforated metal sheets
    Tampa Museum of Art – Floridian building surrounded by perforated metal sheets
  • 無錫大劇院
    Wuxi Grand Theater panorama display
    Wuxi Grand Theater's roof decorated with perforated metal sheets
  • 南橫步行街
    White perforated metal sheets decorate the building facade of the Nanheng pedestrian street.
    Perforated metal sheets are used as fences on the periphery of Nanheng pedestrian street.



2 men are chatting inside the room fitted with white perforated metal sheets
Office partitions are decorated with white perforated metal sheets
Stairs in the house decorated with white perforated metal sheets
Backrest of the sofa decorated with brown perforated metal sheets
Top of the bar is decorated with gray perforated metal sheets.
Mirror place in the bathroom is decorated with perforated metal sheets.


中國古典園林中常見的漏窗是窗洞在窗戶的中空圖案上,不僅使墻壁在現實中產生變化,而且使相鄰空間的兩側似乎分開不分開,風景隱蔽,層次豐富,具有 「避外隱內」 之意。

  • 北京IOMA
    A woman is looking at a fence made of perforated metal sheets on bench.
    White perforated metal sheets for sun shades on the outside of buildings
  • 香港地標-河一號街區
    Exterior of the Landmark One River Neighborhood decorated with white perforated metal sheets.
    Landmark One River Neighborhood's fence uses white perforated metal sheets as scenic spot's fence.
  • 蘇南萬科138度公園大道
    138 degree park avenue during the daytime
    138 degree park avenue during the nighttime
  • 瀋陽萬科翡翠河畔
    A child plays next to the lake released by the perforated metal sheets.
    Water surface is equipped with letters made of white perforated metal sheets.
    Building decorated with white perforated metal sheets over water
    A diamond-shaped ornament inside Shenyang Vanke Emerald Riverside


Boegger Industech Limited
電子郵件: info@perforated-sheet.com

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